Code Refactor

As a beginner introduction to html refactoring we were tasked with an HTML file and "cleaning up" the code for the need of a client.

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Random Password Generator

An intermediate javascript assignment for creating a random password generator for Uconn Coding Bootcamp Homework 3.

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Solo Pine Homes

A side project for a friend/client to expand his own real estate business.

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Web APIs: Code Quiz

An intermediate javascript, html, and css assignment for creating a quiz for Uconn Coding Bootcamp Homework 4.

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Third-Party APIs: Work Day Scheduler

An intermediate javascript assignment focused on local storage and dynamic html building by creating a scheduler for Uconn Coding Bootcamp Homework 5.

Site GitHub
Weather App

An intermediate javascript assignment focused on local storage and dynamic html building using APIs to gather and report data. This application was not designed with mobile in mind.

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BA3R: Real Estate Investing Tool

For project one of the Uconn cohort my team built a real estate investment tool to find comparable homes in the area and provide information on school districts.

Site GitHub
Node.js README Generator

This is a Node.js app to dynamically generate a professional README file for your projects.

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Node.js Team Generator

This is a Node.js app to dynamically generates an html page that identifies team members for a given project following prompts from the terminal.

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Node.js Notetaker App

This is a Node.js app that allows the user to work from a web browswer to take, edit, and delete notes for themselves as the go about their day.

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Node.js Employee Manager

This is a Node.js app to dynamically generate an html page that identifies team members for a given project.

Demo GitHub
Time Manager

An active project for improvement of efficiency and analytics for an aerospace company.

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